Interface TransactOptions

Options for the Session.transact method.


  • TransactOptions


An optional ABICacheInterface to control how ABIs are loaded.

An array of ABIs to use when resolving the transaction.

allowModify?: boolean

Whether to allow the signer to make modifications to the request (e.g. applying a cosigner action to pay for resources).

Defaults to true if broadcast is true or unspecified; otherwise false.

broadcast?: boolean

Whether to broadcast the transaction or just return the signature. Defaults to true.

Chain to use when configured with multiple chains.

expireSeconds?: number

The number of seconds in the future this transaction will expire.

transactPlugins?: AbstractTransactPlugin[]

Specific transact plugins to use for this transaction.

transactPluginsOptions?: TransactPluginsOptions

Optional parameters passed in to the various transact plugins.

validatePluginSignatures?: boolean

Optional parameter to control whether signatures returned from plugins are validated.