Interface SigningRequestCreateIdentityArguments


  • SigningRequestCommonArguments
    • SigningRequestCreateIdentityArguments


account?: NameType

Requested account name of identity. Defaults to placeholder (any identity) if omitted.

callback: CallbackType

Callback where the identity should be delivered.

chainId?: null | ChainIdType

Chain ID to use, can be set to null for a multi-chain request. Defaults to EOS if omitted.

chainIds?: ChainIdType[]

Chain IDs to constrain a multi-chain request to. Only considered if chainId is explicitly set to `null.

info?: {
    [key: string]: Bytes | ABISerializable;

Optional metadata to pass along with the request.

Type declaration

permission?: NameType

Requested account permission. Defaults to placeholder (any permission) if omitted.

scope?: NameType

Scope for the request.