Interface that should be implemented by ABI serializable objects.



actions: Action[]

The actions in the transaction.

context_free_actions: Action[]

The context free actions in the transaction.

context_free_data: Bytes[]

Context-free action data, for each context-free action, there is an entry here.

delay_sec: VarUInt

Number of seconds to delay this transaction for during which it may be canceled.

expiration: TimePointSec

The time at which a transaction expires.

max_cpu_usage_ms: UInt8

Upper limit on the total CPU time billed for this transaction.

max_net_usage_words: VarUInt

Upper limit on total network bandwidth (in 8 byte words) billed for this transaction.

ref_block_num: UInt16

*Specifies a block num in the last 2^16 blocks.

ref_block_prefix: UInt32

Specifies the lower 32 bits of the block id.

signatures: Signature[]

List of signatures.

transaction_extensions: TransactionExtension[]

Transaction extensions.

abiFields: ABIField[]
abiName: string = '__struct'


  • get structFields(): ABIField[]
  • Returns ABIField[]


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