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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 | 1x 1055x 323x 732x 352x 380x 254x 126x 126x 352x 285x 285x 67x 66x 66x 1x 96x 96x 5x 2x 2x 370x 283x 87x 1x 86x 68x 18x 1207x 39x 83x 1x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 93x 9x 9x 9x 9x 9x 1x 8x 9x 6x 6x 6x 1x 14x 1x 1x 1x 1x 33x 11x 9x 2x 1x 1x 129x 129x 27x | import {ABISerializableObject} from '../serializer/serializable' import {ABIEncoder} from '../serializer/encoder' import {ABIDecoder} from '../serializer/decoder' import {arrayEquals, arrayToHex, hexToArray, isInstanceOf, secureRandom} from '../utils' export type BytesType = Bytes | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | ArrayLike<number> | string // This allows passing any object following the .array convention to a Bytes method type AnyBytes = BytesType | {array: Uint8Array} export type BytesEncoding = 'hex' | 'utf8' export class Bytes implements ABISerializableObject { static abiName = 'bytes' /** * Create a new Bytes instance. * @note Make sure to take a [[copy]] before mutating the bytes as the underlying source is not copied here. */ static from(value: AnyBytes, encoding?: BytesEncoding): Bytes { if (isInstanceOf(value, this)) { return value } if (typeof value === 'string') { return this.fromString(value, encoding) } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { return new this(new Uint8Array(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength)) } Iif (isInstanceOf(value['array'], Uint8Array)) { return new this(value['array']) } return new this(new Uint8Array(value as any)) } static fromString(value: string, encoding: BytesEncoding = 'hex') { if (encoding === 'hex') { const array = hexToArray(value) return new this(array) } else if (encoding == 'utf8') { const encoder = new TextEncoder() return new this(encoder.encode(value)) } else { throw new Error(`Unknown encoding: ${encoding}`) } } static fromABI(decoder: ABIDecoder): Bytes { const len = decoder.readVaruint32() return new this(decoder.readArray(len)) } static abiDefault() { return new Bytes() } static equal(a: BytesType, b: BytesType): boolean { return this.from(a).equals(this.from(b)) } static random(length: number) { return new this(secureRandom(length)) } /** Return true if given value is a valid `BytesType`. */ static isBytes(value: any): value is BytesType { if (isInstanceOf(value, Bytes) || isInstanceOf(value, Uint8Array)) { return true } if (Array.isArray(value) && value.every((v) => typeof v === 'number')) { return true } if (typeof value === 'string' && (/[\da-f]/i.test(value) || value === '')) { return true } return false } array: Uint8Array constructor(array: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array()) { this.array = array } /** Number of bytes in this instance. */ get length(): number { return this.array.byteLength } /** Hex string representation of this instance. */ get hexString(): string { return arrayToHex(this.array) } /** UTF-8 string representation of this instance. */ get utf8String(): string { return new TextDecoder().decode(this.array) } /** Mutating. Append bytes to this instance. */ append(other: AnyBytes) { other = Bytes.from(other) const newSize = this.array.byteLength + other.array.byteLength const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(newSize) const array = new Uint8Array(buffer) array.set(this.array) array.set(other.array, this.array.byteLength) this.array = array } /** Non-mutating, returns a copy of this instance with appended bytes. */ appending(other: AnyBytes): Bytes { const rv = new Bytes(this.array) rv.append(other) return rv } /** Mutating. Pad this instance to length. */ zeropad(n: number, truncate = false) { const newSize = truncate ? n : Math.max(n, this.array.byteLength) const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(newSize) const array = new Uint8Array(buffer) array.fill(0) if (truncate && this.array.byteLength > newSize) { array.set(this.array.slice(0, newSize), 0) } else { array.set(this.array, newSize - this.array.byteLength) } this.array = array } /** Non-mutating, returns a copy of this instance with zeros padded. */ zeropadded(n: number, truncate = false) { const rv = new Bytes(this.array) rv.zeropad(n, truncate) return rv } /** Mutating. Drop bytes from the start of this instance. */ dropFirst(n = 1) { this.array = this.array.subarray(n) } /** Non-mutating, returns a copy of this instance with dropped bytes from the start. */ droppingFirst(n = 1) { return new Bytes(this.array.subarray(n)) } copy(): Bytes { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.array.byteLength) const array = new Uint8Array(buffer) array.set(this.array) return new Bytes(array) } equals(other: AnyBytes): boolean { return arrayEquals(this.array, Bytes.from(other).array) } toString(encoding: BytesEncoding = 'hex') { if (encoding === 'hex') { return this.hexString } else if (encoding === 'utf8') { return this.utf8String } else { throw new Error(`Unknown encoding: ${encoding}`) } } toABI(encoder: ABIEncoder) { encoder.writeVaruint32(this.array.byteLength) encoder.writeArray(this.array) } toJSON() { return this.hexString } } |